So I haven't posted here for a while though I possibly should have. I've discovered a bunch of old photos and videos from growing up. Lots of old 35mm pictures I took as a kid which includes a lot of my fathers old cars from Ferrari 308's to Lamborghini Countach and beyond. I've been slowly posting images and some videos to my Instagram account as well as to a thread on Ferrari Chat forums. Here are some just put them onto the blog too. If interested I suggest also subscribing to my youTube "mcomet" account since I've got a number of new videos I will be uploading in the future as well! Happy 1986!!! err I mean 2016!!!
Our 1983 Lamborghini 5000S
Brother checking out a Ferrari 328 while on vacation in Los Angeles
Fall day, new wheels
1985 Ferrari 308 Quatrovalvole
Neighbors Porsche Turbo
Photoshoot of our Lambo...this pic I took with my 35mm camera and liked so much had it hanging in my room hehe
Same photoshoot when our friend had a Ferrari 512BB
And here are two videos shot by my Dad that I have uploaded...
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